-Dent Puller System AL7+MIG226S-
This combined dent puller system includes aluminum car body dent pulling machine AL7(with the trolley) and dioxide welding machine MIG226S. Those models are special designed for steel and aluminum car body dent pulling and Mig welding.
AL7 aluminum car body dent puller Features:
The tip ignition technology with its discharge capacity reduces the welding process to a very short time (3 milisecond);
This minimize over heating that can cause deformation on the panels, or paint work and coatings on the reverse side of panels;
It is not affected by the circuit strength due to uses special storage for energy capacity which has a stable quality and strong output.;
Digital and LED display and adjustment of voltages ensures accurate control of welding process;
Comes complete with various accessories to meet all repair requirements;
Can also be used for stud welding of steel, copper and galvanized steel;
Utilizes capacitor stored discharge technology;
MIG226S Dioxide Welding Machine Features:
Reliable soft switch control with top-quality components for easy maintenance;
stable output voltage with excellent anti-interference and precise control of welding current for various applications;
ideal for all angles with features like slow arc starting, less spatter, and a double-pulse function for thin aluminum;
over 80% efficiency, suitable for welding materials like aluminum, iron,and copper;
compact, lightweight, easy to operate with synchronized weldingcurrent and wire feeding speed adjustment;
high power factor (up to 0.9), fast frequency response, and rapid welding speed;